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03/20/25Justin Emerich and MSU Wind Symphony perform River of Time
Justin Emerich, trumpet & the Michigan State University Wind Symphony
Wharton Center
East Lansing, MI, USA
Conducted by: Kevin Sedatole
Works Performed:
River of Time
04/05/25Nathan Bogert performs Images
03/16/25Nathan Bogert performs Images
03/15/25Sacred Geometry in Boise
Boise Philharmonic Brass Quintet
Hemingway Center, Boise State University
Boise, USA
Works Performed:
Sacred Geometry
03/09/25Wisconsin Brass Quintet performs Sacred Geometry
03/06/25Brandon Quarles & Andy Hudson perform Staying the Night
Brandon Quarles & Andy Hudson
Legacy Hall, Columbus State University
Columbus, GA, USA
Works Performed:
Staying the Night
03/05/25Poth High School Wind Ensemble performs Melodious Thunk
Poth High School Wind Ensemble
Cuero High School
Cuero, Texas, USA
Conducted by: Chase Failing
Works Performed:
Melodious Thunk
03/04/25Justin Garza High School Wind Ensemble performs Ghost Apparatus
Justin Garza High School Wind Ensemble
Justin Garza High School
Fresno, CA, USA
Conducted by: Kevin Tinkle
Works Performed:
Ghost Apparatus
03/03/25McLennan College Band performs Luminescence
McLennan College Band
Wilbur A. Ball Performing Arts Center Theatre, McLennan College
Waco, TX, USA
Conducted by: Jon Conrad
Works Performed:
02/28/25something deeply hidden at Oberlin
Oberlin Conservatory Symphony Orchestra
Oberlin Conservatory
Oberlin, OH, USA
Conducted by: Raphael Jimenez
Works Performed:
something deeply hidden
02/18/25Florida State University Wind Ensemble performs Enigma
02/15/25Texas All-State 6A Concert Band performs Unquiet Hours
Texas All-State 6A Concert Band
Lila Cockrell Theatre
San Antonio, TX, USA
Conducted by: Verena Mösenbichler-Bryant
Works Performed:
Unquiet Hours
02/15/25Melodious Thunk at Nebraska Wesleyan Honors Festival
Nebraska Wesleyan Honors Festival Wind Ensemble
Nebraska Wesleyan University - O'Donnell Auditorium
Lincoln, NE, USA
Conducted by: Jon Noworyta
Works Performed:
Melodious Thunk
02/14/25Randy Grabowski performs River of Time
Randy Grabowski & the University of Northern Iowa Wind Ensemble
Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center
Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Conducted by: Danny Galyen
Works Performed:
River of Time
02/13/25Texas Tech University Wind Ensemble performs Enigma at TMEA
02/02/25Kyrie on LSO Winterlude
Lansing Symphony Orchestra
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Lansing, MI, USA
Conducted by: Timothy Muffitt
Works Performed:
Kyrie (for Machaut and Pärt)
01/31/25River of Time with Chris Martin at GMEA
Conducted by: Nicholas Williams
01/30/25Enigma at GMEA
Conducted by: David Kehler
Works Performed:
01/26/25LSO musicians perform Solstice
01/23/25LSO musicians perform Refraction at the Robin Theatre
Lansing Symphony Orchestra Musicians
Robin Theatre
Lansing, MI, USA
Works Performed:
01/13/25all we are given in Greensboro
Haven Trio
Tew Recital Hall, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Greensboro, NC, USA
Works Performed:
all we are given we cannot hold
12/03/24American Brass Quintet at Eastman School of Music
Works Performed:
Sacred Geometry
11/18/24Doug Tornquist premieres Grandfather Clock for tuba and piano
Doug Tornquist, tuba & Elizabeth Chou, piano
Ramo Recital Hall, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA
11/17/24American Brass Quintet performs Sacred Geometry
Works Performed:
Sacred Geometry
11/12/24American Brass Quintet performs Sacred Geometry
Works Performed:
Sacred Geometry
11/03/24Jacob Prentice performs Between Worlds
Jake Prentice
Hance Chapel, Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas, USA
Works Performed:
Between Worlds
11/03/24Central Michigan University Trombone Choir performs Fireflies
10/25/24Red Vesper at Central Michigan University
Central Michigan University Chamber Ensemble
Room 156
Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA
Conducted by: Cory Russell
Works Performed:
Red Vesper
10/19/24Justin Emerich and the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra perform River of Time
Justin Emerich, trumpet & the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra
Renaissance Theatre
Mansfield, OH, USA
Conducted by: Octavio Más-Arocas
Works Performed:
River of Time
10/10/24Neil Mueller and the CMU Wind Ensemble perform River of Time
Neil Mueller & the Central Michigan University perform River of Time
Staples Family Concert Hall
Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA
Conducted by: Chris Chapman
Works Performed:
River of Time
10/05/24Neil Mueller and the BlueWater Chamber Orchestra perform River of Time
Neil Mueller, trumpet & the BlueWater Chamber Orchestra
Church of the Covenant
Cleveland, OH, USA
Conducted by: Daniel Meyer
Works Performed:
River of Time
09/26/24Southeastern Louisiana University Wind Symphony performs Enigma
09/25/24Nicki Roman and Casey Dierlam-Tse perform Walking on the Ceiling
Nicki Roman and Casey Dierlam-Tse perform
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Smith Recital Hall
Urbana, IL, USA
Works Performed:
Walking on the Ceiling
09/25/24Georgia premiere of Extinguish Thou My Eyes
Kennesaw State University Wind Ensemble
Bailey Performance Center
Kennesaw, GA, USA
Conducted by: David Kehler
Works Performed:
Extinguish Thou My Eyes
09/01/24University of Michigan Chamber Winds perform Kyrie
University of Michigan Chamber Winds
Hankinson Hall
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Conducted by: John Mange
Works Performed:
Kyrie (for Machaut and Pärt)
06/29/24Ferrum at ISCM World New Music Days
06/29/24Enigma in Portugal
06/13/24Wheaton Municipal Band Trombone Choir performs Fireflies
Wheaton Municipal Band Trombone Choir
Memorial Park
Wheaton, IL, USA
Conducted by: Bruce Moss
Works Performed:
06/09/24Northshore Concert Band performs Luminescence
Northshore Concert Band
McGrath Family Performing Arts Center
Wilmette, IL, USA
Conducted by: Mallory Thompson
Works Performed:
06/08/24Haven Trio at Connecticut SummerFest
Works Performed:
all we are given we cannot hold
06/02/24Caleb Hudson & the University of Texas Wind Ensemble premiere wind ensemble version of River of Time at Carnegie Hall
Caleb Hudson, trumpet & the University of Texas Wind Ensemble
Carnegie Hall
New York, NY, USA
Conducted by: Jerry Junkin
Works Performed:
River of Time
06/01/24Seven-19 premieres Riven at the ITF
05/30/24blue dream of sky at the International Trombone Festival
05/29/24Sacred Geometry at the International Trombone Festival
05/02/24University of Maryland Wind Ensemble performs Kyrie
University of Maryland Wind Ensemble
Clarice Center for the Performing Arts, University of Maryland
College Park, MD, USA
Conducted by: Andrea Brown
Works Performed:
Kyrie (for Machaut and Pärt)
04/26/24Coalescent Saxophone Quartet & Ball State Wind Ensemble perform Severance
04/24/24UNC Charlotte Wind Ensemble performs Schism
UNC Charlotte
Robinson Hall for the Performing Arts Anne R. Belk Theater, UNC Charlotte
Charlotte, NC, USA
Conducted by: Hunter Kopczynski
Works Performed:
04/21/24Southeastern University Wind Ensemble performs Luminescence
Southeastern University Wind Ensemble
Bush Chapel
Lakeland, FL, United States
Conducted by: Jason Thomas Aylward
Works Performed:
04/20/24American Brass Quintet performs Sacred Geometry
American Brass Quintet
Dalton Center Recital Hall, Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Works Performed:
Sacred Geometry
04/20/24Kennesaw State University Bands
Kennesaw State University Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony
Kennesaw State University Morgan Concert Hall
Kennesaw, GA, USA
Conducted by: David Kehler and Daniel Lee
04/20/24Staying the Night performed by Anna Torquato & Rachelle Lambert
Anna Torquato, flute & Rachelle Lambert, alto saxophone
St. Andrew's River Heights Church
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Works Performed:
Staying the Night